Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Wet Plate Photography In Yosemite

We took a trip to Yosemite to camp and take wet plate photographs.  We set up our canvas tent and also our "Easy Up" that we use for reenactments.

We then set up the photo darkroom and took some photos of the areas around the campground. 

Ah, love camping breakfasts!!

Once we were able to work reliably from the campsite, we loaded the darkroom into the back of the car to go shoot photos of the valley. 

Also got some photos of the folks in the surrounding camp sites. 

Ended up taking quite a few plates overall. 

On the way home, we stopped and visited Will Dunniway at his home in Coursegold.  Will has been doing wet plate photography for decades and is well known and respected in the field.  He had some great tips and suggestions on improvements for next time. 

Overall a great vacation and a great trip.  Going back to work was a challenge.