Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Adventures

This year's Halloween was a wild and crazy one!

First Emily and Brandon went to the pumpkin patch. They went through the hay maze, held some chicks and baby ducks, took a tractor ride around the farm... and searched for the perfect pumpkin.

Later, the kids had a party at school, we went to the Disney studio for their lunchtime Halloween party, carved pumplins with AFS and at home, and all the kids went trick or treating.

Here's Noriyasu with his pumpkin at the AFS event.

and Sarah...

Carving pumpkins at home...

Kids ready for school on Halloween party day...

Matt and Noriyasu at the studio.

Matt's co-workers at Disney.

Getting ready to trick-or-treat!

Our house decorated for Halloween night.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Noriyasu's Birthday!

We celebrated Noriyasu's 16th birthday at Chuck E Cheese for lunch. The kids had a great time. And then we followed up with a party of friends at the house.