Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Adventure

We traveled up north to visit family for the holiday break. The first stop was Matt's mom's house in Salinas.

We drove over to Monterey and went to the "Dennis The Menace" park. They had a great big train that the kids climb on. I didn't get a picture of the kids on the train, but here's the train.

Brandon was dwarfed by the wheels.

Sarah enjoyed the climbing wall.

We walked down to Fisherman's Warf and Cannery Row. On the walk back, Ben decided to run around on the sand at the beach. Of course, he had to get his feet wet. He had a great time running in the surf!

Unfortunately, the rocks can be slippery. Ben fell into the (very cold) water. Brrrr...

I gave him my flannel shirt to try and warm back up.

We then went over to the Tech Museum in San Jose. Here is a picture of the kids on the exhibit where they can build their own bobsled ride.

Friday we visited the kids great grandparents (my grandpa and grandma). Great grandpa had lots of toys for the kids.

Saturday we headed back home. The kids got a picture with their Great Grandpa and Uncle Mark before we left.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Ah, Christmas at the Schnittkers... What a day!

Here is the house the kids built... then they demolished it soon after... yummy!

Ben is showing his little brother his candy that they received in their stockings from Santa.

I think Matt is a little tired here... The kids got up early to see that they got.

Brandon is snuggling up with my Grammy (87 years old)...
Everyone had a wonderful day!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Emily, The Little Christmas Tree

For the winter dance festival this year, Emily was in Little Christmas Tree... a very cute dance with the song by Stevie Wonder.