Friday, October 31, 2008

This is Halloween....

Here is a pic of our house Halloween decor. We had Darth Vader in the window (he's actually the Red Power Ranger dressed up). We had black lights, scary spider webs, ghosts, scary haunted mansion music, and a fog machine.

This Halloween, we were all pirates...

Here are the three kids getting ready for school.

They had a party and parade. I went to school and these are some of Sarah's friends all dressed up for the parade.

Here is Sarah and her friend Monique.

Then the kids went trick-or-treating. Brandon got the idea, but soon tired out and decided he had enough candy. Here is his loot.

Here is Matt and his pirate girls... we had a really good time...

as seen here by Emma, fast asleep by 9pm.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Time!!!

It's that time of year... the lovely, smelly, nasty feeling pumpkin gak removal and carving!

I helped Emma and Brandon with their pumpkins and Sarah and Ben were on their own! Whew! I only had to clean out four this year!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A perfect day for kites

Today was a perfect day to fly a kite or two... The wind was very sporadic, but we did get them up in the air. I got a couple stuck on our neighbor's roof, but they came down in the wind. Here are some pictures of the day! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fun Time in the Creek

After going to the pumpkin patch and having pizza for lunch, we headed down to the creek. It's a very magical place. I played in Grammy's creek when I was a kid and now my kids are playing in it. We probably spent three hours down there. The weather was beautiful and it was a nice warm day. The kids enjoyed playing in the water, trying to catch fish, building rafts, and Ben built a dam.

Pumpkin Patch

While we were in SLO town, we visited the local pumplin patch. We also got huge cookies!
Here's Brandon sharing his with Grammy! Yummy!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ben's Movie Making

Check out Ben's movie. He made it all by himself. It's located at the left under "Movies made by the kids"...ENJOY!