Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Relaxing Father's Day

Sunday was Father's day and we took it easy. The Gladiolas are in Bloom so I got a picture of Emily and Brandon with the flowers. Emily likes to dress up Brandon in dresses. I think this one is Little Bo Peep from Toy Story. Emily is Princess Jasmine.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Disney Family Picnic

Saturday was the Disney company picnic for employees and their families. In previous years, it has been held at a ranch near Malibu. This year, it was at the Santa Anita Race Track. The facility was nice. They basically have a large fairgrounds in the middle of the racetrack. They had a nice play structure for the kids to play on.

Here's Brandon on the slide.

Emily loved the inflatable things to crawl through.

There was plenty of free food. Ben especially loved the Churros.

There was also a "train" ride.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Peppermint Twist

Emily's third dance recital and it was called Peppermint Twist.

Here is a clip from Emily's performance in Peppermint Twist with her dance class...