Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Whale Watching On The Ranger 85

We took a whale watching trip with Channel Island Whale Watching aboard the "Ranger 85". The trip was facilitated by the AFS Central Coast chapter which makes this one of their standard annual outings for the exchange students visiting for the year.  Since we are hosting Amane from Japan, we went along as well. 

We did see some whales, but it only a small portion of the whale came out of the water. 

I actually found the dolphins more interesting since they swam around the boat quite a bit more. 

We were able to get a close look at Anacapa Island

We also got a chance to get up close to one of the oil rigs that sit off the coast.  I've always found these fascinating for some reason.  

There had been a recent rain storm which brought snow to some of the mountains in the distance.  It's not too often we get to see snow on the peaks in Southern California but this trip made for a special exception. 

Overall, the boat was comfortable. There was enough room for everyone and there was a galley on board with food and drink.  They had a grill with hot food and adult beverages as well.  Downstairs was a comfortable area to eat your food.