Last night, Matt and I went to the Disney Animation Studios wrap party for BOLT. We went downtown to Hollywood and Highland and watched the screening of the film in the Kodak theatre (where they do the Oscars)... after many speeches, the film began.

After the film, we headed to the Grand Ballroom and the party began! We got to see some old friends and I met many of the people that Matt works with. The food was catered by Wolfgang Puck and it was good, the music was loud and fun.

Here is our picture with the star of the show! BOLT.

Here is a picture of just outside the party... there was a quiet protest against the passing of Prop 8.
Who is that handsome couple?????????
Va-va-va-woom! What a stylin' couple ... you both look great!
Joe and Kehlan went to see "Bolt" this weekend. Wait until I get to show him these pictures of Ben's mom and dad.
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